Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate. This is the most common condition in men.
It is believed that the disease with prostatitis in most cases is associated with the penetration of the infection. However, this is not entirely correct. In some cases, the diseases are non-infectious in nature.
The main cause of prostatitis is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the prostate and its blood supply.
Features of prostatitis

The prostate is located in the pelvic area. Its anatomical structure differs from the structure of all other human glands. The prostate consists of several parts and only one of them contains glandular tissue. The glandular tissue of the prostate consists of many small glands, each of which has its own duct. The canals converge to form the largest canals. In both small and large ducts there are dilatations, sinuses, where the secret of the prostate accumulates - prostate juice. In turn, the prostate juice is an excellent nutrient medium for the development of bacteria, and the cells lining the sinuses are an excellent substrate for the life of an intracellular sexual infection (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureoplasma, viruses). In addition, the prostate does not have its own main blood vessels and is supplied with blood from small vessels from eight to ten sources. Therefore, the rate of blood flow in the prostate gland is initially low, which in turn predisposes both to the development of an infectious onset and to the formation of congestive changes in the prostate tissue itself. These circumstances largely determine the complexity of structural changes in the prostate and the variety of clinical forms of prostatitis.
There are many classifications of prostatitis, but none of them are completely exhaustive. In short, there are two main courses of prostatitis: chronic and acute.
Acute prostatitisdiffers from chronic in a more vivid complex of symptoms. Treatment is with significant doses of antibiotics, and in some cases surgery to remove abscesses from the prostate is required.
Symptoms of acute prostatitis
High temperature, severe pain in the perineum, groin, above the pubic bone. pain when urinating. Poor general health. Decreased potency, etc.
With chronic prostatitis, the clinical picture is often blurred.There may be no symptoms at all. Very often, problems with potency and sexual intercourse are attributed to general fatigue, mental stress at work, restlessness, and accordingly, a person simply does not understand that he is sick. Therefore, in this case, an important role is played by preventive examinations, the purpose of which is to detect the beginning inflammation of the prostate.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis
- emerging and rather quickly passing pain in the perineum, groin, above the pubic bone;
- decreased sex drive (libido);
- Change in the duration of sexual intercourse (in some cases, rapid ejaculation, in others - a significant prolongation of sexual intercourse);
- change in the nature of sexual sensation (reduced brightness of orgasm);
- the appearance of discharge from the urethra, especially in the morning.
Why is prostatitis dangerous?
In the absence of qualified treatment of prostatitis, there is a subsequent violation of sexual function - impotence, impaired ejaculation (especially accelerated ejaculation). Prostatitis can become chronic and lead to urolithiasis and infertility.
treatment of prostatitis
Treatment of prostatitis should be comprehensive and well selected. Treatment includes measures such as antibiotic therapy, prostate massage. Prostate massage, despite the fact that it causes a number of unpleasant sensations, is a necessary procedure. First, for diagnosis, when you need to take the mystery of the prostate for research, in certain cases, a massage is also performed to relieve congestion in the prostate. Usually this event is approached seriously and selectively.
For the treatment of prostatitis, physiotherapy, immunoregulatory therapy and lifestyle correction are widely used.
In modern medicine, physiotherapeutic methods are used almost everywhere to treat and prevent a wide variety of diseases. Taking into account many years of experience in the effectiveness of the use of physiotherapy by domestic and foreign doctors, we use only advanced and the latest imported devices for electrotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, pulsed and alternating currents, electrical stimulation, etc. ), laser therapy of various types for the treatment of our patientsSpectra, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy, vacuum therapy.
prevent prostatitis
In order to prevent prostatitis, it is important to organize your life in such a way that it contains as few risk factors as possible for the development of this disease. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet, limit the consumption of spicy and fatty foods, do not abuse alcohol and maintain a stable normal weight. Keep cool and move as much as possible. A regular sex life without long periods of abstinence is necessary to maintain constant sperm circulation and an active blood supply to the prostate. True, we should not forget that the development of prostatitis is often provoked by sexually transmitted infections, so sex should be not only regular, but also imperatively protected. Ideally, every man should have a check-up with a urologist at least once a year. First of all, it is necessary to study the mystery of the prostate and do an ultrasound scan of the prostate, and after 40 years, blood donation for tumor markers is essential.
Prostatitis is a complex and insidious disease; Its treatment is a big problem for doctors around the world. However, this does not mean that the doctor cannot help the patient with prostatitis. It is not always possible to completely cure the patient, but to eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis, to bring about stable long-term remission, modern medicine is able. And the duration of this period depends on the patient himself. If he honestly follows the doctor's recommendations.
Inflammation of the prostate is a disease that is much easier to prevent than to cure. Make small changes in your life, useful and necessary for the prevention of prostatitis, and you will not suffer from this unpleasant and complex disease all your life.
Be sure to consult a qualified specialist in the field of men's diseases at the Semeynaya Clinic.